Some Things About Study Material

Dreamz Study Material
Separate Study Material for WB-JEE, IIT-JEE, Pre-Medical, AIEEE as per requirement of the
examination The DREAMZ’s study material comprises of a systematic coverage of relevant theory notes on
each chapter of the syllabus of respective examination. The study materials contains specially designed exercises as per the newest pattern of various competitive examinations, a self monitoring
stage by stage system helps you to analyses your own growth and boost your confidence gradually.
DREAMZ’s Study Material is prepared by a team of highly experienced academicians and experts who have been preparing aspirants of pre-engineering, medicine. They have in-depth knowledge on their respective subjects, an extra ordinary capability to devise WB-JEE, IIT-JEE, AIEEE, AIPMT and a complete familiarity with current examination trends.
DREAMZ’s Study Material introduces fundamental concepts in a very effective manner. It incorporates graduated set of illustrations to firmly grasp the fundamentals and concepts through their application in various situations. The study material is self sufficient. Hence there is no need for any other reference material.
DREAMZ’s study material makes a student academically strong, temperamentally sound,
methodical in approach, quick and accurate in applying concepts and psychologically tuned to the
examination pattern.
DREAMZ’s Study Material is in the form of booklets and each topic comprises of the following:
(1) Topic wise complete theory notes with explanation
(2) In chapter Examples
(3) In chapter Exercises
(4) Mnemonics
(5) Miscellaneous Examples
(6) Exercise Sheets
(7) Complete solution